Thursday, November 15, 2007


If you are a current, active student member of NABSW ready and willing to roll up your sleeves, produce good work AND have a little fun, then you are eligible to join one of the national subcommittees of the Office of Student Affairs! Each of the dual subcommittees is led by a member of the Executive Committee of OSA, so you will be provided great leadership, guidance and support along the way.

To join, please contact the Chairperson of your choice or reply to this post by clicking on "comments" in the bottom right hand corner:

The Student Handbook & Special Projects Committee
Chair: Angela Benjamin, President
School: University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa)

Duties and Responsibilites: Members of this dual committee are responsible for revising and updating the current student handbook and for aiding the National Office with special intiatives, events and projects. Members will work to keep current the information of the student handbook by conducting research within current student chapters. Secondly, members will work to collaborate with the National Office on initiaves of our National President of NABSW, our first project being Voter Education and Registration. This committee contains a special Communications Division, where current members also have the option to be a part of. This Division is responsible for communicating with student chapter presidents, individual student members and generally with student chapter advisors. You may contact this special division by emailing the co-leader at

This subcommittee meets monthly on the first sunday of each month at 7 pm CST.


The Community Service & Conference Committee
Chair: Priscilla Southern, Vice-President
School: Governor's State University (Chicago)

Duties and Responsibilities: Members of this dual committee are responsible for coordinating workshops/symposiums, meetings, hospitalities, events, activities, special presentations, speakers etc. for students at conference. Secondly, they are responsible for developing community service projects that chapters can collectively work on in their home city. Members are responsible for compiling the final report to be given at the student meeting at National Conference. Some projects can be in conjunction with the Special Projects Committee.


The Membership and Transition Committee
Chair: Rebecca Booker, 2nd Vice-President
School: University of Tennessee (Knoxville)Email:

Duties and Responsibliites: Members of this dual committee are responsible for recruiting and facilitating the establishment of new student chapters and to increase membership at the established chapters. Secondly, they are responsible for developing a plan of action to assist in bridging the gap between moving from student to local chapter member status, both locally and at National Conference.


The Website and Newsletter Committee
Chair: Glenda Henderson, Secretary
School: The University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa)

Duties and Responsibilities: Members of this dual committee are responsible for gathering and posting to the student affairs section of the NABSW website information of interest to students and evaluating the site to assure the site is meeting the needs of students. Secondly, they are responsible for monitoring the information on the student “BLOG” site. Members are also responsible for developing and distributing the “Harambee” newsletter 2 times a year (fall and spring).


The Scholarship and Fundraising Committee
Chair: Roman Makonnen, Treasurer
School: Howard University (Washington, DC)

Duties and Responsibilities: Members of this dual committee are responsible for advertising and encouraging students to apply for scholarships, updating the forms and assist with recipient selection. Secondly, they are responsible for researching ideas for raising money/sponsorships to support student programming, events, activities, hospitalities, conference attendance, etc.


The Nominations and Sankofa Mentoring Committee
Chair: Daniell Offordile, Parliamentarian
School: University of Texas (Arlington)

Duties and Responsibilities: Members of this dual committee are responsible for updating Candidate Application Forms; assures all applications are complete and candidates are paid members prior to the preliminary screening of their application at the January Steering Committee Meeting; prepares and distributes election ballots; is abreast of upcoming vacant positions; aids in preparing candidates for their election campaign (which usually lasts three months—Jan. through April); aids in preparing candidates for their final campaign speech to be given at the National Conference; and makes sure this information is posted on the OSA website. Secondly, they are responsible for assisting in the development of the Sankofa Mentoring Program by contacting and following up with student chapters to encourage student member participation.

-Taken from NABSW Office of Student Affairs

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